Elaine Del Valle, now under review for a Pulitzer, has an audition for a Series Regular for a network Pilot, today. www.BrownsvilleBred.com www.GreenKeyManagement.com
Today, Green Key Management, LLC features COLLEEN BROOMALL who just drove from NYC to LA for Pilot Season. Colleen spent 7 years on ONE LIFE TO LIVE. www.colleenbroomall.com. www.GreenKeyManagement.com.
I like Leno as much as the next person, but not in Prime Time where he eats up hundreds of actors' jobs by taking the place of scripted shows. Finally, Leno is being pulled from the 10 p.m. spot (February 12th).
That means 5 more prime-time hours for scripted television shows and more jobs for actors (with a new version of "Law & Order" out of Los Angeles).
I expect a bunch of additional pilots to be produced as a result of this.
BTW, Pilot Season has begun. There were 5 Pilots in Friday's Breakdowns. So, if you haven't gotten your new pix mounted up on BD Services yet, or posted video (or new, improved video), you already blew 5 opportunities, just on that one day alone (not to mention regular episodic and movie work). For those who have made the proper preparations before Christmas, as directed, you are in the ballgame. Those few who are stragglers have relegated themselves to the bench and have effectively, voluntarily retired until they have the proper equipment to the play the game. Careful, someone from the minors may be called up to take your place. I have two words for you: "Wally Pip" http://www.thediamondangle.com/archive/oct01/pipp.html
I know how hard some of you work on being prepared so I'm giving you a "shout out." Some are on-the-road heading to L.A. as I write this. Others are making sure their metro cards are fresh for NYC. Good luck to us this Pilot Season, and always.
Award-winning client, Elaine Del Valle, answers, “How Do You Recover From A Bad Audition Or Performance?” in this week’s “Back Stage.”
This autobiographical dramatic comedy takes the audience through an "emotional rollercoaster" that is uplifting, heartbreaking and powerful as they witness Del Valle recreate life in the tough projects of 1980's Brownsville, Brooklyn NY. Amongst eight other characters, Del Valle narrates as herself from ages 11 to 17. Crime, Drugs and Poverty mix with the Joys of Family, Hope, Salsa and the Birth of Rap, as Del Valle's innocence recounts a journey to womanhood, a family's struggle, a neighborhoods crack & crime epidemic, Salsa rumbas, and her love of Run DMC, which often times help her verbalize a unique struggle and triumph that has audiences cheering and laughing through their tears while swaying to urban rhythms. THE NY DAILY NEWS calls it POWERFUL and names it in their TOP TEN PICKS!
Nuyorican Poets Cafe 236 East 3rd Street (between Avenues B & C) New York, NY 10009 MTA: F train, 2nd Ave.
This Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. at The Nuyorican Poets Cafe (212) 505-8183 www.BrownsvilleBred.com