Monday, July 5, 2010

It begins: July 6, 2010

Well, the summer hiatus, for the most part, should be ending and the start-up (or restart) of production for all the weekly TV series begins. All the co-star and guest star roles that you will see on the air starting in September start to film or tape their episdoes now so that they can get the shoot done and take care of post-production and "put them in the bank" for broadcast in two months. They need to be able to stay ahead of the broadcast schedule as it slowly catches up to them until the Thanksgiving break and Christmas breaks.

So, ask yourself these questions:
have I got my the video I want (need, MUST HAVE) up on Breakdown, along with any new headshots, ready, RIGHT NOW? If not, why not? WTF!?!?!? Every day you miss, you miss the opportunity for your representative(s) to use your newer and better materials (and not the same stuff the casting directors have already seen for the past year).

We can't go back and submit the new stuff if you don't make it available the day after the breakdown has already come out. Once it is gone, it's gone. Give the casting directors something new to see, especially if your old stuff has not been working for you as much as you or I would have liked.

Don't miss your finite opportunities. We can only use the tools that you provide for us. Your competition is doing everything they can to push you out of the way. Are you going to let them do that to you? Are you doing the same to them in order to inch your way forward ahead of them? There are, literally, thousands of your competitors out there. No matter how hard you try, you can bet somebody is trying harder. You may say you "want it" but your desires have to translate into tangible actions....getting us the best tools we can use to convince others that you really, really mean it.

Good luck to us this new episodic season and, if you haven't gotten those new headshots you've talked about, or that new video you said you'd get together, you have to explain to yourself the reason why it hasn't been done. If you've done it, pat yourself on the back. If you haven't, kick yourself in the butt and make haste.

Let's have a great epsidoic season (and movies, commercials, and other projects, including a stray Pilot or two, come out, too, ya know?).


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